Apex Legends Mobile is Shutting Down. Electronic Arts have officially tweeted that apex legends mobile is shutting down. You can play the game only up to May 1, 2023. I think due to the loss in the game they planned to shut down the game. Or maybe there is some problem that’s why they are planning to shut down the game.
Apex Legends Mobile Official Tweet
Here is an official tweet about apex legends mobile.
We have made the decision to sunset Apex Legends Mobile.
— Apex Legends Mobile (@PlayApexMobile) January 31, 2023
We're sure you have a lot of questions. For more information on where things are at currently, including an FAQ, please read the blog below.https://t.co/LcKNBhO9xa pic.twitter.com/Oc769z5cpD
Apex Legends Mobile Official Website
All question and doubts related to the apex legends mobile is published on the official website. You can check it out.
This is the official news, we only have a few months to enjoy the game.
Here there are a lot of theories and answers on the internet about why apex legends mobile is going to shutting down. According to me, Apex Legends Mobile will return in the future.