After hearing the news of fau-g game pre-register, you may wonder who is the owner of fauji/Fau-G game. If you already knew it, then we will also provide you the extra information and facts relating to who is the owner/developer of the fauji/Fau-G game.
You will love him when you hear the name of the owner of fauji game because the game is developed by one of the Indian companies once you used to play their games. The owner of fauji/Fau-G game has some facts that only a few peoples know.
Who is the owner of fauji Fau-G fau g game?
The owner or developer of the Indian fauji/Fau-G game is nCores Games. But Vishal Gondal, founder of GOQii is actively working on the development of fau-g faug or fauji game. So the concept of making fau-g, faug game may come from Vishal Gondal.
About nCore Games

The developer or the owner of the fauji game is one and only popular Indian game developer nCore Games. Hearing the name of developer “nCore games” should get you surprised as well as bring backs your old memory.
Some Facts About nCore Games
Remember the cricket games you once play when you are a child. They are all made by the nCore Games. The games when you play and get fun and didn’t know that it is made by an Indian company.
Their company and one of the chairmen Vishal Gondal care about their country. However, the PUBG got unban but they did not give up.
They made the alternative of Pubg game call Fau-G. They made the fauji game with the story of the Indian army and related to the war between china and India.
The patriotism of nCore Games leads to make faug fauji game and the patriotism of citizens of India makes the game popular before releasing it.
You all know Pm Modi has banned it but he and the one of best actors Akshay Kumar make it popular. When “Akshay Kumar” see the PUBG unban many peoples get sad. Then the nCore Games send him the information that “We are making the Indian game Fau-G” and he immediately posted about “the new game fauji/FAU-G will release” on Instagram.
Once the nCore Games Founder and Vishal Gondal, said, “It is a matter of great pride to respond to PM Modi’s call and present the world a world-class game, which will not only help gamers in a virtual setting fight the forces of evil; but also positively contribute to nation-building by supporting our martyrs.”Which shows the pride and caring about their country to develop and become more popular as also get motivational things to adults.
Follow nCore Games
Official Website: nCore Games Official Website
Twitter: nCore Games Official Twitter
Facebook: nCore Games Official Facebook
Instagram: nCore Games Official Instagram
Playstore: nCore Games Official Playstore
Let’s stop talking. Now it’s time for you. Don’t ever say that the game made by an Indian developer worse. If you are a true gamer the owner of fauji/Fai-G game cares about you and you should motivate them as the game is made by an Indian company. Play it with your heart.