Finally, Apex Legends Mobile is on play store on bluestacks. And you can easily download Apex Legends Mobile in bluestacks. But if you face an error saying “Unable to Run on This Device“, then check out how you can fix unable to run on this device in Bluestacks in Apex Legends Mobile.
Apex Legends Mobile is a very popular latest battle royale game on android. It is available on all platforms.
PC Apex Legend size is 50 GB whereas Mobile Apex Legen Size is 5-10 Gb. Therefore some low space Pc users can’t enjoy Apex Legend. But there is a way by which you can download apex legends mobile on your pc. The way is to use bluestacks emulator.
Emulators of Pc are those applications that help you to play android games on pc directly from play store. Similarly, you can play Apex legends mobile on Pc with the help of blue stack.
Actually, this is the graphics problem and there is a simple trick that you can use and fix it easily.
Video Tutorial
Also Read: How to Download Apex Legends Mobile on Bluestacks
Fix Unable to Run on This Device in Bluestacks in Apex Legends Mobile
We just need to change the graphics settings of the bluestacks 5 to fix this problem. You can follow the steps below to fix it.
Step 1: Open Settings
First, open the bluestacks and then go to the settings at the top.
Step 2: Go to Graphics
Now, on settings click on the graphics on the right side of the emulator.

Step 3: Change the Settings
Now choose the Graphics engine mode to “Compatibility” and Graphics render to “OpenGL”.

Done. Open the game and enjoy the game.
Note: If this isn’t working then check if your bluestacks are added on graphics settings or not? If not add the bluestacks in the graphics settings. Sometimes bluestacks use your CPU instead of the GPU so you face problems in running the games.
Also Read: How To Install Apex Legends Mobile On Bluestacks?
This is how you can easily fix Unable to Run on This Device in Bluestacks in Apex Legends Mobile. Comment below if you have any problems related to apex legends mobile.